What should I include in my kitchen remodel?

By | April 22, 2024

Planning a kitchen remodel? Wondering where to start? You might want to create an impressive and practical area. Or, simply refresh the center of your home. There are key tips to keep in mind. Must-have features, careful planning, and budgeting are crucial. This guide will help you plan a remodel that fits your life. So, what’s the first step?

Must-Have Features for Your Kitchen Remodel

These must-have items are key for a kitchen you’ll adore.

  1. Appliance Garage: Keep your small appliances hidden to clear your countertops.
  2. Roll Out Pantry Drawers: Easily reach items in your pantry with these drawers.
  3. Quartz Apron Front Sink: This sink adds a trendy and stylish element to your kitchen.
  4. Pot Filler: Fill big pots with water much more easily.
  5. Pull Out Trash & Recycle: Conceal your trash cans to keep them neat.
  6. Vertical Divider for Baking Sheets & Cutting Boards: Store baking sheets and cutting boards upright for quick grabs.
  7. Roll Out Cabinet Drawers: No more searching through deep cabinets. Find your items easily.
  8. Quartz Slab Backsplash: Make cleaning easy with a stylish and timeless backsplash.
  9. Large Drawers: Save space and add storage with large, practical drawers.
  10. Statement Hood with Floating Shelves: Give your kitchen a high-quality, unique look.
  11. Built-In Drawer Microwave: Move your microwave to free up countertop space.
  12. Induction Range: Cook faster and more efficiently with this range type.
  13. Wide, Deep Kitchen Sink: Hide dishes and simplify washing up.
  14. Under Sink Water Filtration System: Access high-quality drinking water directly from your tap.
  15. Large Peninsula: Add more seating and dining space in your kitchen.

These features are essential for a smart and stunning kitchen. They help with space and keep things in order. Whether you’re looking to add storage or upgrade appliances, these choices improve your kitchen in every way.

Start with a Plan and Budget

At the beginning of your kitchen remodel, make sure you have a solid plan and budget. This is key for staying on track and meeting your goals. Think about what you want to change in your kitchen. Do you need more space, a new look, or better appliances?

Decide when you want your remodel to be done. Setting a timeline helps you focus and manage your time well. It also lets you use your money wisely.

Looking into the costs of your remodeling ideas is crucial. Knowing the prices can help you set a budget that won’t break the bank. Make sure to include the cost of materials and the people doing the work.

Having a detailed plan and budget is your first step. This preparation means less worry and no big financial surprises during your remodel.

Set Your Priorities and Expectations

Planning a kitchen remodel starts with knowing what you want. Think about what bothers you in your current kitchen. Is the space too small? Maybe the design is outdated, or the appliances are old.

Make a list of what you need the most. Do you wish for more space and storage? Or maybe you want a modern, stylish kitchen. Perhaps, better appliances are what you’re after.

With your list in hand, imagine the end result of your kitchen remodel. Do you see a place for big family dinners and gatherings? Or a spot where you can cook like a professional? Knowing what you want will make it easier to make choices as the project moves forward.

Don’t forget, talking to your contractor is crucial. They can refine your plans and offer helpful advice. Make sure they understand your vision well. This will help you achieve a successful remodel.


Choose a Color Palette or Design Style

When you start a kitchen remodel, picking a color palette or design style is key. It will make your entire living space look united. The choice greatly affects your kitchen’s look and feel.

Think about your home’s current decor and what you like. Do you like modern, simple designs with neutral tones? Or maybe you love the cozy feel of rustic looks. Choose a style that matches what you love and fits your home well.

Try picking a color palette that works with your home’s colors. This keeps the whole place feeling connected. You can be inspired by nature, art, or even things you’ve saved on Pinterest.

Using a color wheel can help if you’re not sure. It shows how colors relate. You might pick shades of one color for a calm feel. Or go for colors that are opposite for a bold look.

Think about the design style, too. Do you want modern, traditional, or something in between? Modern kitchens are clean and functional. Traditional kitchens are cozy and detailed. Transitional kitchens mix both for a timeless space.

Your kitchen’s look should show who you are and fit your life. Take your time choosing. Look for ideas and get help from experts if needed. Make a kitchen that not only works well but also makes you happy every time you see it.

Source Materials, Appliances, and Permits

Starting a kitchen remodel means doing your homework. You need to find out what materials, appliances, and permits are required. Proper planning ensures your renovation goes well.

Begin by picking materials for your remodel. Think about the style you like. Choose materials that fit your design. This could be quartz countertops, fancy cabinets, or cool light fixtures. Choosing the best materials makes your kitchen both pretty and useful.

Also, think about green options for your remodel. Pick eco-friendly materials like bamboo floors. These lessen environmental harm and make your kitchen look better too.

Now, select your appliances. Look for ones that meet your needs. Many modern appliances have lots of features. Check the energy labels. Energy-saving devices cut down electricity use. They can also reduce water waste.

Don’t forget about permits. Before you start, check what your area needs. You might need permits for work on electricity, plumbing, etc. Following your area’s rules avoids legal problems and ensures your kitchen is safe.

Why Should You Consider Alternative Materials and Energy-Efficient Appliances?

Green materials and energy-efficient devices are good for the planet. They come from things that can grow back, not run out. Making them also creates less waste and pollution.

These choices don’t just help the Earth. They’re better for your home too. They often last longer and need less upkeep. Good for you, good for the planet.

Choosing the right materials and permits makes your project better. It saves you money and helps the environment.

source materials

Plan the Logistics

When redoing your kitchen, planning is key. Look into shipping times for materials and find a good contractor. Also, make plans for where you’ll cook and eat during the remodel. Good planning leads to a successful project without many hiccups.

Start by knowing how long it will take for materials to arrive. Knowing this can help you order at the right time. Work with your contractor to time deliveries and installs.

It’s crucial to find a trustworthy contractor for the job. Spend time finding and talking to possible contractors. Ask for their past work and client reviews to choose well.

You’ll also need a place to cook and eat while your kitchen is offline. Set up a cooking area and place for meals elsewhere in your home.

Think about keeping your home clean and quiet during the work. You may need to use barriers or walls to protect the rest of your space. This helps keep work areas contained.

With a detailed plan, you can manage the remodel well. This includes shipping, finding a contractor, and planning a temporary kitchen. Organizing ahead of time will reduce disruptions and stress during the remodel. Having a plan makes getting your dream kitchen closer than ever.

Anticipate Obstacles

Starting a kitchen remodel can be challenging. It’s wise to think about and get ready for obstacles. This approach will make your renovation journey smoother, avoiding surprises along the way.

Hood Vent Pipe Reuse

Reusing your hood vent pipe might be an issue. The new kitchen layout might need changes to this pipe. Make sure you talk to a professional to keep your kitchen well-ventilated and meeting building codes.

Energy Source Compatibility

Make sure your new appliances match your home’s energy systems. Check if your electrical or gas setups work with the new appliances. You might need to adjust or upgrade your energy sources to fit your new items.

Gas Line Rerouting

Switching stoves from gas to electric, or the other way around, means you might need to move your gas line. This job is for professionals who can make sure everything is safe and legal. Include this in your remodel plan if applicable.

Wiring Requirements

Updating wiring is a key step in remodeling your kitchen. More outlets, lights, or appliances could mean changes to the electrical system. Always hire a licensed electrician to do this work correctly and according to codes.

Appliance Dimensions

Choose your appliances carefully to avoid problems later. Check their sizes against your new kitchen plans. Make sure there’s plenty of room for them to fit right. This step can prevent delays and extra expenses during the renovation.

Storage Space for Materials

Don’t forget about storage when you remodel your kitchen. Big projects need space for materials like cabinets and flooring. Have a plan to keep these items safe and out of the way until you need them.

By thinking through these possible issues in your remodel, you set yourself up for success. Addressing these challenges early can save you time and stress. Always get advice from experts to ensure a great remodel experience.

Create a Timeline

It’s key to have a good timeline for a kitchen remodel. Make a detailed plan and follow it step by step. This keeps you on target and makes work go smoothly.

Think about when to order cabinets. You should measure your space and appliances first. Doing things in the right order cuts out delays and mistakes.

Now, we’ll show you a sample timeline to get the picture:

Example Timeline for Kitchen Remodel:

  1. Week 1: Find design ideas and talk to experts if you need to.
  2. Week 2: Set your budget and get any permits you need.
  3. Week 3: Plan your kitchen and pick materials and appliances.
  4. Week 4-5: Order cabinets, countertops, and everything else you need.
  5. Week 6: Start by tearing out the old stuff.
  6. Week 7-8: Put in new electrical and plumbing. Make holes, run wires, and set up pipes.
  7. Week 9: Install cabinets, countertops, and the backsplash.
  8. Week 10-11: Add lights, appliances, and floors.
  9. Week 12: Finish any painting or small details.
  10. Week 13: Clean up and organize your new kitchen.
  11. Week 14: Go over everything with your contractor one last time.
  12. Week 15: Now, it’s time to enjoy your new kitchen!

This timeline is just an example. Your project might take longer or shorter, depending on what you’re doing and who you work with. Always leave extra time for surprises or delays.

Get Creative with Design

Don’t be afraid to unleash your creativity in your kitchen remodel. This is your chance to show off your personal style. Add unique features to make your kitchen special.

Add a Splash of Color

Choose daring colors for your kitchen to make it stand out. Bright colors on cabinets or walls can add a fun touch. It makes your kitchen speak about your style.

Embrace Unique Flooring

Why have the usual floors when you can have something eye-catching? Go for tiles with beautiful patterns or textured floors. This change not only looks good but also gets people talking.

Install Glass Pane Cabinets

Glass pane cabinets are great to showcase your prized items. They bring elegance and style into your kitchen. You can display your favorite dishware or collectibles beautifully.

Get Creative with Wall Finishes

Try unique wall finishes for a creative boost. A chalkboard wall or a gallery of artworks can add charm. These touches make your kitchen unique and warm.

Your kitchen should be both functional and a reflection of you. Dare to be creative. Add features that make your remodel deeply personal and unforgettable.

kitchen remodel creative design unique features


A kitchen remodel is a thrilling project. It can make your home’s heart both stylish and practical. Stick to your budget, pick key features, and plan carefully. You’ll be able to craft the kitchen you’ve always wanted.

First, make a plan and budget that match your wishes. Think about the features that will make your kitchen better. Take your time to find the right materials, appliances, and any needed permits. Also, plan how you’ll deal with problems that might come up.

Staying organized and following the steps is key. This ensures your kitchen remodel will be everything you hoped for – and more. So, get ready to work. Start planning your kitchen remodel today. Turn your dream kitchen into a reality. It will be a place you and your family will love for a long time.